background picutre

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Support Home Support Home QuickFix HTML Template background picutre

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  • #10668
    Syed Imran Patel

    I replaced all pictures under the folder “banner-img” with same name, size, and format. I have uploaded the website site quickfix to my web hosting provider, all gallery and other pages are okay except the home page background picture is not showing. the tag used is “<div class=”banner–item” data-bg-img=”img/banner-img/slider-bg-01.jpg”>” is not working.

    My website is:

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Syed Imran Patel. Reason: Forgot to provide website address

    Dear Syed,

    We are sorry to say that it’s not our template issue. As we can see somehow the images do not exist on your server. Please check out this screenshot as a reference Please contact your hosting provider to fix the issue.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

    Syed Imran Patel

    There’re images in the location img/banner-img/slider-bg-01.jpg. I have uploaded again all of the images 01 to 03.
    Kindly guide.
    I think data-bg-img is not executing.

    Refer Screenshot from hosting provider cpanel:

    Note: In my computer It’s working, background images are visible but online from hosting it’s not showing.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Syed Imran Patel. Reason: Wanted to add more information for author reference

    Dear Syed,

    Based on your provided screenshot, we can understand that it’s an image extention issue. Because a server is always case sensitive.

    In your screenshot the image extension shows .JPG (capital letter/uppercase) but in the code, it has .jpg (small letter/lowercase). Now you have to change either the code to .JPG (capital letter/uppercase) or the image extension to .jpg (small letter/lowercase) to fix the issue.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

    Syed Imran Patel

    Thank you soo much “ThemeLooks Support Team”.
    Problem is solved. Thanks a lot.

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