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  • #1056

    Can you steer me in the direction to change the transition speed of the slides?


    Hi There,

    Please follow the steps below to change the transition speed of the slides.

    1. Open main.js
    2. Find the comment BANNER SLIDER
    3. Update the values marked in the screenshot (Screenshot:

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    Thank you for your prompt response. I have made changes both up and down to those two settings and whist I can see the slide transition speed change depending on my choices, the length of time the slide stays on the screen remains the same. My desired outcome is to have the slide visible for say 10000 ms and the transition can be 800 ms or the default.


    If you are using cloudflare or something like that then remove the cache. After then, please remove your browser cache and reload the page with Ctrl+F5.


    Sadly the problem persists. I’m not using cloudfare and have tried three different browsers with both incognito or private pages and cleared my cache as you suggested. I can tell you the “paginationSpeed” setting is working as expected but regardless of what speed I configure the “slideSpeed” setting (tried from 800 to 20000), the slides only sit on the screen for around 3 seconds. This never changes.


    Hope this helps: ( )


    Maybe, you are talking about the slider auto play speed

    In this issue, you need to add this code autoPlayInterval: 2000, below the paginationSpeed

    Please check out the screenshot as reference

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    Still no change. I’ve added the line, made it 20000 and the slide still sits for about 4 seconds before sliding out for the next one. ( )


    First of all, check the changes in a new browser.

    Moreover, please write us with details that you are exactly looking about the slider.


    Okay, found how to fix it. Just change the autoPlay setting in main.js from true to however many ms you wish. I’ve changed mine to autoPlay: 12000, and the slide holds as required. Thank you for your help in steering me to the right area.

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