BNSCloud vuejs template installation cpanel with shared hosting

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Support Home Support Home BNSCloud BNSCloud vuejs template installation cpanel with shared hosting

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  • #10820

    We are trying to install BNSCloud vuejs template at shared hosting with channel please guide…


    Dear Zahid,

    1. Please follow the steps from Installation to Generate static project from the provided documentation. Well Sorted Documentation included in “Documentation” (folder).

    2. After completing the Generate static project steps, the Generated project will create a dist/ folder & files and all files will be stored in the dist/ directory.

    3. Upload the dist/ folder’s files to your cPanel

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    as per my hosting provider.
    To have the shell access enabled for an account you will need to purchase SSH Addon from Services -> View Available Addons menu of your billing account. Once the addon is purchased you need to contact us and clarify which cPanel account to activate the addon for. Note that addons are assigned for per cPanel account, not for the whole reseller service at once.

    NodeJS is already available on our servers and you can setup nodejs applications via Setup Node.Js App menu of your cPanel account.

    Checking the requirements for Yarn however I am afraid it will not be possible to have it installed as it would require root server access which we cannot provide since this is shared hosting environment. If you require to have root server access you should consider purchasing a OpenVZ or KVM VPS with cPanel.


    Dear Zahid,

    You could follow steps 1 & 2 in your local computer environment.

    3. Upload the dist/ folder’s files to your cPanel

    Please Note: If you have no idea about how to use a vuejs template then you need to hire someone else to do everything for you.

    Please learn more about the Envato Market (themeforest) item support policy (item support includes & not includes), here

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    stuck @yarn dev
    ERROR Failed to compile with 28 errors friendly-errors 19:43:50

    ERROR in ./components/banner/BannerFour.vue
    Module Error (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/dist/cjs.js):

    3:16 error Replace main-banner·banner--three·position-relative·d-flex·align-items-center·justify-content-center with ⏎············main-banner⏎············banner--three⏎············position-relative⏎············d-flex⏎············align-items-center⏎············justify-content-center⏎········ prettier/prettier

    ✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)
    1 error and 0 warnings potentially fixable with the --fix option.
    ERROR in ./components/banner/BannerOne.vue
    Module Error (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/dist/cjs.js):

    4:16 error Replace main-banner·bg-primary·bg-rotate·position-relative·d-flex·align-items-center with ⏎············main-banner⏎············bg-primary·bg-rotate⏎············position-relative⏎············d-flex⏎············align-items-center⏎········ prettier/prettier
    56:20 error Replace goDown·p-0·d-inline-flex·align-items-center·justify-content-center·rounded-circle with ⏎················goDown⏎················p-0⏎················d-inline-flex⏎················align-items-center⏎················justify-content-center⏎················rounded-circle⏎············ prettier/prettier
    76:27 error Replace ·document.querySelector('.main-banner')⏎················ with ⏎················document.querySelector('.main-banner') prettier/prettier

    ✖ 3 problems (3 errors, 0 warnings)
    3 errors and 0 warnings potentially fixable with the --fix option.

    error so on……..


    Dear Zahid,

    It’s all about the installation environment setup issue.

    As we said before “If you have no idea about how to use a vuejs template then you need to hire someone else to do everything for you.” You may need an expert vuejs developer.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    installation charges?


    Dear Zahid,

    If you are looking for an installation service then Please send a message using our Envato Market (themeforest) profile contact form to click here (screenshot as reference ) to get a quote.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

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