Color Issues

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  • #5401

    Hello I have changed the main theme color under the bluishost settings, however there is still the default theme color for all the headings on all the pages. How do I change this? Also how do I change the hover/background color of the client area button on the sticky view. I have tried to do so through bluishost settings but it does not change.


    Hi Dre,

    You will get the page header options in the Bluishost Options -> Page Header and all of the options about the header & menu in the Bluishost Options -> Header and the client area button sticky style here

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    I mean these header text colors
    and where could i find more icons like the ones use in the image?


    Please check out the screenshot to change the color of the section title.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    Thanks but what about the email subscriber module or other modules? They don’t have this same option to change the color and it is still the default theme color. I updated the default theme color as well to my brands color.


    Hi Dre,

    Every section has Design Option tab in the edit popup modal. You will able to change the color from there. In this issue, you just need to scroll to find out the option.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    No there isn’t..the email subscriber module and also other modules don’t have the option to change the color. Me and my developer have checked. The only way to do it is to custom code it in there.


    Following modules: Single Reason, Newsletter . They don’t have options for you to change the colors. We have checked so many times.


    Also trying to change the colors for the client area button on the sticky header dosent work either….I would like some type of answer or just want my money back


    Correction: I was able to fix single reason module. Newsletter and blog module along with client area button do not work at all..


    Hi Dre,

    Our theme is fully customizable. Please check out the below screenshot as a reference.

    For Newsletter

    For Blog

    There has a lot of options for client area button to change the color and others

    Moreover, as we said every section has the Design Option tab in the edit popup modal and some sections have the Sections Heading module. You will able to change the colors from there. In this issue, you just need to find out the options or you could hire someone else expert to get assistance on customizing the theme based on your needs and requirements.

    Furthermore, please provide your website URL to review.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    We are really sorry for the inconvenience.

    We have listed this in our theme update list. Please let us know if you have another issue. We will fix the issue ASAP in our next update of the theme. You will get notified via email when the theme update will available for download.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    So you are confirming that there is an issue? You have the same problem with the background and hover color of the sticky client area button. As well as their are simple elements bluis button. My developer has had to put in a bunch of css code to make this theme presentable. Really not happy at all.


    We will recheck the issues. If there has an issue with the client area button then we will also fix the issue. We already working on A BIG UPDATE of the theme.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

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