Facing some issue in my website

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  • #13257

    Hi Team,

    I am facing some issue after the installation.

    1 ) After disabled the product compare feature from admin panel. still this feature is showing on single product page and in header icon with full functionality.
    2) sub-categories product is not showing in parent category.
    3) After adding a product in sub-category, sub-category link in not working in mega-menu.
    4) On Product Price Range is showing to me even with the same price.
    ₹599.00 – ₹599.00
    5 ) is it possible to create horizontal category instead of vertical?
    6) Is it possible to add gallery image in variable product?

    Please look into my issue and resolve it.
    Thank you for your cooperation.



    1, 2, 3, 4) We are working on these issues to fix. We will provide an update ASAP.

    5, 6) It’s not possible at this moment.

    If you are looking for a customization service based on your specific needs and requirements, please send a message using our Envato Market (codecanyon) profile contact form to click here https://codecanyon.net/user/themelooks#contact (screenshot as reference https://prnt.sc/10o0iwt ) with your requirements with details to get a quote.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

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