FoodBook Questions

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  • #10892
    Fabio Dillman

    Please Help with this questions, can’t find concise answers,

    1. In a “food Menu” how can I leave items published, but with a signed “not for delivery only to order within the restaurant” just to display the item, but not to “add to cart” feature

    2. How can I publish the menu in spanish

    3. How can I change the currency to “$” pesos

    4. how can I create an “static” food Menu without the “add to cart” feature… just to display menu items

    thank you,



    Dear Faboi,

    1. In a “food Menu” how can I leave items published, but with a signed “not for delivery only to order within the restaurant” just to display the item, but not to “add to cart” feature
    – You can hide the “add to cart” button from here Also, you can use only the Pickup option from here if you don’t want the delivery option. Moreover, you can use this “FoodBook In-Restaurant Orders Add-on” to take In-Restaurant Orders by table number.

    2. How can I publish the menu in spanish
    – You can use any translate plugin (Ex.: WPML or Loco Translate) to translate it.

    3. How can I change the currency to “$” pesos
    – You can change the currency from here

    4. how can I create an “static” food Menu without the “add to cart” feature… just to display menu items
    – You can hide the “add to cart” button from here

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team



    I would like to reactivate my licenses which are pointed to the wrong domain. MOn item ID: 27669182
    My envato id is ShadowCat.



    Hello Alain,

    We have reset your license. Now you will be able to reuse it.

    However, there was an option to activate the plugin on a new domain/sub-domain/directory/sub-directory, you need to deactivate the purchase code/license from the existing domain/sub-domain/directory/sub-directory where it is installed now.

    Moreover, please creates your own topic instead of posting a reply to someone else created posts. Because the post creator can feel bothered by getting unexpected notifications of every reply of his/her created post.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

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