Number Selling

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  • #11660


    Hopefully you can help or put us in the right direction

    We sell mainly UK numbers – is to do the following with the Numbers selling feature
    Where would you like to have a phone numbers (First Field Header) Which is fine
    Instead of Select ‘State’ have ‘’’’Select Town or City’’’’’
    Select ‘Number’ Field is Good – however can you add to the number Plan e.g. Bronze, Silver ect
    0121 333 1234 Gold – the have a string to autofill Select Plan
    ON the drop down menu Where should incoming calls be forwarded to – have in the drop down
    ‘’’’Your Destination’’’’ (More generic as most of our customer push to UK landline and mobile)
    Also have No Slider
    Price does not allow for a connection fee (so maybe no price and just reserve the number) or can a string bee added to allow for a connection fee

    One last question – can you bulk upload number or does that need an api



    We are sorry to say that your query does not cover item support.

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    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

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