Opening times & delivery checker

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  • #9875
    Robin Warmelink

    Dear support,

    I am running into a problem, i have set the opening times and it works for scheduling a pickup/delivery, but when i want to pick up today i can do so before opening time. We open every day at 11:00, except Sundays (then we are closed).


    Also i encountered a problem with the delivery range checker. When you order and set it to pickup or ignore the popup, you can still change your adress to whatever you want on the checkout page and place the order, even when the delivery checker would say its not possible for that adress.

    Currently we are live with the system, so for now the delivery is disabled.

    Kind regards,

    Robin Warmelink
    Subway Laagraven

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Robin Warmelink. Reason: URL was not included

    Dear Robin.

    I am running into a problem, i have set the opening times and it works for scheduling a pickup/delivery, but when i want to pick up today i can do so before opening time. We open every day at 11:00, except Sundays (then we are closed).
    – We didn’t find this issue on your website. Also, we have double-checked our plugin and there is no issue like this.

    Also i encountered a problem with the delivery range checker. When you order and set it to pickup or ignore the popup, you can still change your adress to whatever you want on the checkout page and place the order, even when the delivery checker would say its not possible for that adress.
    – Based on our system the place order option will not show to place an order When the delivery availability checker says it’s not possible for that address. Hence, it’s not an issue of our plugin.

    Moreover, if someone selects pickup then he/she can order from anywhere. Because then it’s his/her headache to pickup the order from your raturant.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

    Robin Warmelink

    Well, it now is 08:00 in dutch time, and i can order before opening time again.

    Please look into it a bit more, the bug is deffinetly occuring on the website. But ONLY when ordering on the SAME DAY and before opening time. Maybe you checked it last time when we are already open, and thats why you couldn’t find it.

    Kind regards,

    Robin Warmelink

    Foodbook BUG

    Robin Warmelink

    And about the delivery checker.

    It can and probably will occur that someone first presses pickup. And later at the checkout switches to delivery, he/she can just change the checkbox, fill in a adress on the other side of the world, and place the order.

    i’d love to present this system to Subway HQ, but then bugs/workarounds like this are unacceptable.


    Dear Robin.

    Please provide your wp-admin (URL, Username & Password) access using our Envato Market (themeforest) profile contact form (screenshot as reference ) including this support topic link as a reference to review the time issue to fix.

    Moreover, if someone selects the pickup first and then selects delivery when checkout the place order option will automatically hide and force to check their address using the availability checker. Please checkout FoodBook live demo as a reference.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

    Robin Warmelink

    I have done so now!

    Please keep in mind we are already live with the system! Don’t change any impacting things while we are open please!

    Kind regards,

    Robin Warmelink


    Dear Robin.

    We have fixed the opening time issue and updated the plugin on Envato Market.

    Please download and use the updated plugin.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

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