Portfolio Contents

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  • #4974

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m novice when it comes to coding, but I’m creative working with Adobe a lot, so I decided to give Dreamweaver a try and I bought the CVIT Html template.

    It was a great challange but I have managed to publish my website with my data and photos. It’s even working with email, newsletter ect.

    Finally I have reached the point where things become tricky. I’ve hoped you can advise and point good direction. Here is the first question…

    Portfolio Content. When ever I try to embed my video in one portfolio item, it appears in each an every item of portfolio.

    How to change that? Which code? What parameter I should look for?

    Please don’t laugh – it can really be challenging for a novice 🙂

    I would appreciate any advice – thanx.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Marcin.

    Hi Marcin,

    It’s really tricky.

    In this issue, you need to add more Gallery Details Modal for each gallery item with a unique id. Please check out the screenshot as a reference http://prntscr.com/lcjc60

    If you are not a programming person then you could buy and use our WordPress theme version of the CVIT template.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    Hi TLS Team,

    There are reasons for which I bought HTML… do you think I should swap CVIT HTML for WP version?

    Anyway I have found the code you pointed at. It doesn’t seem to be a big deal to re-type my GalleryDetails as something else.

    Just before I do it… I have found the #GalleryDetails in the button code (I think).

    Are those the only two points to be modified? The modal id and the button ref which “refers” to specific id?



    I did that … following your advise I have changed gallery details in these two points and I have created new Gallery Item by very sophisticated action of “copy-paste” your code. And it worked!

    I will be back later with more questions.

    Thank you!


    You are most welcome.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    Quick Question: Anyone know if there’s the Portfolio Case Study pop-up has a permalink?


    Hi elumenous,

    This is a topic related to CVIT HTML template and it’s CVIT HTML template’s forum, not CVIT WordPress Theme’s forum. We can see you are a customer of CVIT WordPress Theme.

    Also, we aware you before that “If you need more assistance then, please create your own topic without giving a reply to another’s post. Because the post creator can feel bothered to get unexpected notifications of every reply.”

    So, if you have any question then please post your topic with details in the exact/right/correct forum that item you have bought.

    Please Note: this forum has a policy. Because, this is our customer support forum, not an open discussion forum.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

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