Problem "active" class menu by default

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  • #4731
    Francky Defosse


    I have a problem with the menu on my website

    What I don’t understand is that it already puts the li with an “active” class.

    … id=”menu-item-28374″ class=”menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom current-menu-item current_page_item menu-item-home menu-item-28374 active”>ACTUALITÉS

    The result is that the item menu is underlined with the ::after state

    But when we enter on a blog article the menu works perfectly. It doesn’t have the active class and so the hover effect works.

    … id=”menu-item-28374″ class=”menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-home menu-item-28374″>ACTUALITÉS

    Do you have a solution for that please?



    Hi Francky,

    It’s simply that you have used the “active” class that’s why it’s not showing the hover style. This is because it’s getting the priority of the “active” class styles.

    In this issue, just remove the “active” class then the hover style will work like the blog article page.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

    Francky Defosse

    Hey, I didn’t use any active class. I just tried to define some active class in css but this is not the raison why it’s displaying it the active class in html.

    Francky Defosse

    Ok I just understand why the active class is displayed by default. Cause I wanted to do a menu “one page” so firstyle I put typical custom links #actualites #contact etc

    The thing is that obviously these links don’t work when you are in the blog section. So to resolve this I put directly the url with the anchor: “” etc

    So now the problem is that it put it like “active” It doesn’t make sense…Whatever. Meanwhile I will desactive the hover effect to solve it but if you have a solution please tell me cause I like the hover effect.


    Francky Defosse

    Also I have another question: Do you have an option on mobile to reduce the menu to the original position (without displaying tabs) when you click on a tab. Thanks


    We are really sorry to say that there has no option for mobile to reduce the menu to the original position (without displaying tabs) when you click on a tab.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

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