Update Road Map

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  • #9933
    Marcin Switalski

    Dear Support Team,

    It’s been quite a while since HTML version realise. I’ve worked to my website based on the template, so the code is adjusted to my user needs.

    Sooner or later I may have to update the website. Perhaps it should be done regularly.

    I’m new to web building.

    What would be so kind to share the update road map to the process?

    Thank you


    Dear Marcin,

    We are sorry to say that Updating HTML Templates Requires Manual Work. Hence, there is no Update Road Map available.

    You could Backup your theme/style folder and files before applying these updates.

    You could use a compare tool like https://sourceforge.net/projects/kdiff3/files/
    and use it to compare the ‘folders’ (the version you’re using with the new version)

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

    Marcin Switalski

    Thank you

    I assumed the update needs to be manual. I’m not sure if I can update plugins without risking changes in the theme, style or js files.

    What would be the outline of the process, list and recommended order of components to be updated?

    Best regards


    Dear Marcin,

    If we update a template or theme or any other product we provide a changelog with the update then you will able to update the product based on the changelog.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

    Marcin Switalski

    That’s great. Looking at the version of HTML CVIT 1.3 vs WP CVIT 3.2 and the last update realise it makes me think the update will never come unless I DIY it.

    Perhaps we could team up and make the update together?


    Dear Marcin,

    We are sorry to say that we have no plan to update the HTML version of CVIT and there is no relation to the HTML version with the WP version update.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

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