Video and map are not working

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    I have updated my website and made it live. I have found two issues mainly that are not working with the template.

    1. On the live version it is showing error to load the google map. Its showing the map fine if I open from my local machine.
    Please have a look at this issue. My website

    2. The video on the home slider 3rd page is not working. Hence I changed it to image for now. But can you see why the video is not working.



    Hi Naresh,

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Please follow the steps below.

    Map Issue Solution:

    1. Open the .html file. (For example “index.html”)
    2. Find The Comment <!-- ====Google MAPS API JavaScript==== -->
    3. Get your api key from Google Map APIs (Video: How To Get A Google Map API Key)
    4. Add your own api key like in the screenshot (Screenshot:

    Slider Video Solution:

    There is no problem on our side about the slider video. You could review again our demo as reference. Please follow the documentation’s FAQ (that we have provided with the main_files) to get work the slider video.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    Hello Team,
    Thank you. Got the map working after adding the API key.
    The video issue, can you try with the template that has no demo content. Chrome dev tools shows me it as a “Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND” iframe_api

    I have replaced the value of data-bg-video as mentioned in ur documentation, for eg say with “opzT25rGiRw” (youtube url: It throws that file not found error.

    Please have a look.



    Maybe, you are trying to check out the video in your local machine.

    Please Note: the video will not work until you upload it in an online server.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team

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