WP BAKERY Does’nt Work

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Support Home Support Home Bluishost WordPress Theme WP BAKERY Does’nt Work


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  • #6882

    Site URL: https://www.aidealamobilite.com/
    je souhaiterais modifier les grilles tarifaires sur mon site, mais WPBakery ne fonctionne pas.. quand je veux modifier le texte, le visuel ne s’affiche pas.. cela apparait comme cela : [bluishostprice ablegroup=”%5B%7B%22title%22%3A%22Startup%22%2C%22subtitle%22%3A%22You%20can%20use%20your%20title%20texe%20here%22%2C%22currency%22%3A%22%24%22%2C%22price%22%3A%2219%22%2C%22duration%22%3A%22M%22%2C%22featuresgroup%22%3A%22%255B%257B%2522feature%2522%253A%2522RAM%25201%2520GB%2522%257D%252C%257B%2522feature……..
    Que ce soit en mode visuel ou texte.. comment puis-je régler ce problème ?


    Hi jouan,

    Could you please provide a full-page screenshot of the issue to review the issue to fix?

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    probleme wp bakery


    et dans le Back office en essayant tous les modes différents cela apparaît comme ca… donc impossible de modifier le texte


    Hi jouan,

    It’s a repeater, that’s why it will not work in the front-end editor. Please use the back-end editor and it’s recommended to use the back-end editor for Bluishost. Because there have so many different shortcodes related to this.

    So, please use the back-end editor.

    Moreover, you could watch these video tutorials to customize this theme https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbmIKrgYlRbqAb4qK2uA_liY-8F_vKGJ7

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    Cela ne fonctionne pas non plus dans le Backend…


    Cela ne fonctionne backendpas non plus dans le Backend…


    Please provide your wp-admin (URL, Username & Password) access using our Envato Market (themeforest) profile contact form https://themeforest.net/user/themelooks#contact (screenshot as reference http://prntscr.com/gkmr2r ) including this support topic link as a reference to review the issue to fix.

    Please Note: this is a public forum for our customers. So, don’t provide your wp-admin (URL, Username & Password) information here.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    Hi jouan,

    We didn’t get any username. Maybe you forgot to send the username.

    Please send the username.

    Moreover, as you mentioned you didn’t see the website using mobile, we also checked the issue. Based on the information showed in the mobile, it’s all about your hosting or domain issue. It looks like they shows an ad on mobile. Please contact your domain and hosting provider to fix the issue.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    We are waiting for your response.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    c’est moi qui attend votre réponse ! j’ai envoyé les identifiants comme demandé… c’est vraiment compliqué comme système pour avoir des retours…


    Hi jouan,

    We have reviewed your website.

    In this issue, you could follow again the steps below. Or add those sections again by clicking the plus (+) button. Because it’s can not happen and none of our other customers didn’t face this type of issue with this theme.

    1. Clean your full database using wpreset plugin “OR” reinstall a new WordPress with a new database
    2. Then install the latest version of the theme (follow the steps from the provided documentation)
    3. Then install all of the required plugins (follow the steps from the provided documentation)
    4. Then active all of the installed plugins (follow the steps from the provided documentation)
    5. Then import all of the demo data (wait until all of the demo data are imported completely)

    Then please let us know the result.

    Best Regards,
    ThemeLooks Support Team


    pourquoi ma dernière réponse n’est pas publiée ?


    bah voila encore une fois elle n’est pas publiée…….. je dois la reposter combien de fois pour que cela fonctionne ? Si vous développez aussi bien vos thèmes je comprend pourquoi cela bug !

    je disais donc… cela fait 7 ans que j’installe des thèmes wordpress et ils ont toujours fonctionné..

    je ne vais donc pas recommencer à zéro mon site parce que votre thème bug ! tout comme votre forum !

    comment je peux utiliser ce module s’il vous plait ?



    dès que je met des liens dans mon post cela annule ma réponse…

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